Learn to run a junior high group and you can rule the world.- Bill Wennerholm.
If children are not reached with the gospel by age 13, the chances of their accepting the gospel after that point are greatly reduced.- George Barma-
I believe that it is important for us to have a strong junior high youth ministry. If we want to change the world, we should bring more junior high kids to our church! Well, I like high school kids, but they are too old~(sorry, it's true). It's hard for us to evangelize high school kids so many reasons. But, it is a different story for junior high kids.
So I'm trying to have a special party for all 6th graders this month. We will have a pizza party and we all go to a local roller skate rink. Why do I choose to go to a roller skate rink? One simple answer, because they like that place. Many of 6th, 7th and 8th graders love to hang out at the roller skating place. Yes, I love to go, too. I am still able to do some tricks! I am trying to have a party once a month until every kid feels free to come to my church.
I made a poster. Well, it was easy. If you have a Mac, just use one of their templates. If you don't have one, save money and buy one~
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