Often times, I see that our worship becomes a spiritual habit or ritual. People come to church with empty hearts and there is no sense of a holy fear. Worship service must be fruitful. It must be the time for us to refresh our faith, to strength our relationship with God. We can make our worship service beautiful with hymns and other liturgical resources. Yet if we don't feel 'tremble' before the Lord, our worship can be meaningless. Without a holy fear, without the presence of the Lord in our worship, we can't talk about 'true worship.'
Jesus says, "The true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. For they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks"(John 4:23) More than anything else, we need to be the true worshipers. Worship is not about styles or our preferences. It is all about the presence of the Lord. Amen.